21 April 2012

Happy Birthday Joe!

Today is my good friend Joe's birthday.
He is sneaky about it though, doesn't have his birthday on Facebook.
The sad thing is, this might mean that the majority of his friends won't know its his birthday.

That's why I felt compelled to dedicate this blog entry to him.

I will also give a little fun story about Joe, seeing as that is what you all probably expect from me at this point.

This was taken at Joel's 21st in 2011. It was funny because I freaked out Huei (the photographer) because after she asked us if we wanted a photo I told her that it was awkward since Joe and I had just broken up. A few people in earshot instantly walked away from us. Hahaha, classic!

I don't remember the first time I met Joe, maybe he does, it wouldn't have been til my second year at University though. I began going to church more regularly once I joined Student Life, and because most of the friends I was making at Student Life also went to Elim Church, I got my ins with different people in that way.
Joe isn't exactly part of the Student Life crew, but he still associates with them. I honestly can't say how I became friends with him.
I know at some stage we became friends and he nicknamed me: Minion 23. I think this was a joke that implied he had 22 minions before me. Hahaha, as if!
But anyway...

I was Minion 23, and didn't know Joe very well, up until I moved in next door to him in my third year.
Our friendship was solidified by Joe introducing me to this awesome show called: How I Met Your Mother. Since I'd arrived in Dunedin weeks before University was set to begin, I spent a lot of my time hanging out with Joe, watching How I Met Your Mother. I even convinced him to make a deal with me, that neither of us were allowed to watch any episodes without the other. This carried on into the year until Season Six of the show finished. Joe and I didn't hang out so much after that, but it was still good bonding time.

Joe and me chilling in the Gables, 2011.

When I lived next door, Joe would CONSTANTLY hide behind doors so that when I came down stairs he would jump out (or simply walk out casually) and I would get a massive fright.

These days I don't see Joe as much as I'd like, we are both really busy and hardly ever hang out, but I still think he is a great friend and I wish him all the best. It is his birthday today, so I wanted to make him feel special somehow.
I don't plan on leaving the house today so this was the best thing I could think of...

This was taken at Elim Student Camp 2012. It demonstrates Joe's awesome photo-bombing skills. Are you impressed?

p.s- Joella and Chloe I will dedicate a blog entry to you guys sometime in the future. Just be patient. ITS JOE'S BIRTHDAY! GO AND HUG HIM!

15 April 2012


Dearest Blog Readers,

I don't know what I'm up to.
In my life.

I went to my friend Dylan's 21st tonight at 10 Bar.
Ye Olde Ten Bar
I remember going there in First Year (not too often though because I was fresher and its an unwritten rule that freshers stay out of the Octagon, or "Octy" as it is affectionately called by Scarfie Bar-Attendees). I went there more often in Second Year... I think... I don't really remember.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure.

But anyway.
21sts make me very contemplative.
I contemplate my life.
What have I achieved thus far?
Where am I going?
What am I still doing at University?
Why am I doing Honours in Film Studies?
Does any of this even matter?

I want my piece of paper. I want an Honours degree.
But the in-between part is still confusing for me.

I guess I just expected my life to be different by now.
I'm not saying I'm not grateful for the life I have, because I really am.
I'm so blessed to be able to even attend University, let alone for four years now.
And I was walking through campus today and it is SO FLIPPING BEAUTIFUL!
Seriously, Otago University is gorgeous. All the trees, and the grass, and the Leith, and that fancy clocktower of ours. We are lucky Scarfies.

So why write a blog about this?
I don't know. It helps me to process I guess.
And it is my blog and people expect to read random stuff so its not like you're getting anything other than what you came for :-P

I just don't know what I'm up to.
Tonight I wanted to drink.
I don't know why. I'm jealous of my Christian friends who drink.
I want to believe I can drink again and have it be fine, but I don't know.

I feel like I'm stuck.

I need something to change.
Maybe its my attitude.
Maybe its my outlook on life.

There are some things I thought I was over, that I'd grown out of and matured through, but now I'm starting to feel like that isn't the case.
Could be the temptation to drink again, could be relationships that aren't what I thought they were, realising that I don't really know what I'm doing at all.

Its hard. Feeling like you don't know what you're doing.

Anyone know what I'm talking about?
To quote a musician I'm a fan of: This might just be a quarter(ish) life crises, or just a stirring in my soul.

Kinda sounds like that might be it.