27 June 2012

Moving Back To Scarfieville

I never took many photos while I was living in Mornington. I have moved out now, and I am quite upset about it to be honest.
Mornington is a world far removed from what you experience in the flats around campus, it is warm and quiet and there are dogs everywhere!
I tried befriending one of the neighbourhood dogs once, I never really saw it again though so I don't think I was very successful.

Regardless, my time in Mornington was everything that I needed for the super intense season of craziness I experienced last semester.
Never have I been so stressed out before in my whole entire life.
I cannot imagine being in a flat while so completely frazzled all of the time.
The fact I was boarding with a family meant that my responsibilities were minimal, and instead of being expected to cook flat dinners, do grocery shopping, wash dishes etc. I could just focus on my work.


I am so grateful for the family I lived with. They are honestly some of the nicest people I have ever met.

Last night was my first night in the new flat.
I am still settling in. I don't feel comfortable there (how could I?!) but I know its just a matter of time.
I at least got my room all sorted today which will help.
Played some guitar, that's always something that helps to "break in" a new flat.

Its weird being so close to campus, its only a ten minute walk. I didn't actually time it... I need to do that...

Right now I am back in Mornington, I asked if I could have dinner here because our new flat has no food or cooking equipment. I was almost teary-eyed as I walked in before. Only one day away and I miss it so much.

I miss Pipi a lot, the family cat. I befriended her instantly after moving in back in February. For the first day or so I didn't know her name so I just called her Kitty. She used to sleep in my bed while I studied. She's cool. If you have read enough of my blog you would have noticed I am obviously a dog person, but Pipi is all good. I kinda like her a lot.

I'm only going to be at the new flat for basically four and a quarter months, so I'm sure it will be fine. Its nice to be somewhere more accessible, I'm sure we'll be getting visitors (I never really got any in Mornington) so that will be nice. And since my semester will be a billion times less intense than the last one, I should be able to cope without going into a psycho spiral.

I am hopeful for the future of living back in Scarfieville.
Joella and I are going to have epic singalongs, and I am going to steal her dresses.
People should come and visit me.
We don't have internet yet though which is lame... But there's always Uni so I guess we'll see how long we can go without it at the flat... my guess is not very long...
Must procrastinate by looking up funny memes on 9gag...

Anyway. Wrapping this up now.
My time in Mornington was fabulous.
I will look back on it fondly, and I will miss it.
But the family I lived with have already asked me to come back and make them pizza and risotto for dinner sometime in the near future (those are my specialty dishes) so I'm definitely going to be doing that.
And when I do will also sit in front of the heat pump and be nice and warm, and I'll give Pipi a cuddle because I deprived her of my bed to sleep in.

I don't care what other people say about you, Mornington. You're alright.