What up! Hope all my southern hemisphere readers are enjoying the summery weather that we are SOMETIMES blessed with. Also hope that all the northern hemisphere peeps are staying warm.
I have come to the end of my time in my hometown. It has only been ten days (hence the title of this blog post, haha). It has been both good and bad, like most things in life.
I want to start off by saying, the fact that I even got home on the 24th is a gift from God. The weather was atrocious, and even though I believed God would come through for me and answer my prayers for making it home safely on all my flights, the possibility of not making it was very likely.
In Auckland, the flights to Whangarei and Keri Keri (towns relatively close to Kaitaia) were cancelled.
I prayed even harder now that the flight to Kaitaia would still be on. And it was. And I got onto the plane in the pouring rain and wind, and we flew all the way to Kaitaia. I thanked the Lord and told Him I would tell people how He made sure I got home. The fact He even cares about me making it home for Christmas just shows how awesome He is. <3
Once I got back to Kaitaia, I could not WAIT to see my doggies. I walked into the house and took my shoes off and there on the stairs were my little buddies. They were SO HAPPY to see me. It was unlike any reunion I'd ever had with them. Asterix jumped up on me and tried to lick my face. I cried with happiness, telling them how much I loved them and how much I had missed them this past year. There was so much love flying around. SO MUCH LOVE AND JOY!
Aside the immeasurable happiness of being with my dogs again, I have also been faced with the usual uncomfortableness and surrealism of being back in my hometown. It always feels weird.
Nothing has changed, but at the same time it feels like everything has changed.
I've spent most of my time watching movies.
I've been out on the farm a few times.
I've only hung out with a couple people, Jo-Ann, James and Floris (who live in Dunedin now too) and Lara.
That is all.
Everyone else I used to be friends with aren't the kinds of people I see anymore.
I find it really hard to deal with it, but I am slowly accepting it. You can't keep all your friends. It is impossible. And I am sick of fighting. My friendship plants with people are well and truly dead (refer to: Friendship Plant Blog Entry if you don't know what I'm talking about).
They are dead. Maybe they tried to revive it. Maybe I tried to revive it a hundred times now. But its dead. And its going to stay dead. And I don't have the energy to care about it anymore.
I'm sorry. Our friendship died. You don't even seem to care, so whatever, right?
I have less friends in Kaitaia than I could count on my one hand.
I'm going to stop talking about this now..
I play around on it, trying to write songs, but I never get anywhere.
I really am a guitar-girl. Its my instrument, man! I miss it.
So I head back to Dunedin tomorrow afternoon, and I don't know when I'll be in Kaitaia again.
Kaitaia isn't my home anymore. I've said it before.
The more times I come back here, the more I know that for sure.
I miss my friends. Being alone all the time is a bit strange. Its good for me to have my alone time, but not this much. I have my moments where I want people around me.
I have a few ideas (.. ok, more like one) for a new song so I'll start working on that once I'm back in Dunedin.
I've also made a music page for me as a singer/songwriter on Facebook, (My EP is set to come out next month, YAY!) If you haven't done so already, you should check out my music page here: Martinette Music
Thanks for reading my blog, I shall write again later.
Oh, and HAPPY NEW YEAR! I pray that 2013 is an awesome year for you :)