29 January 2015

2015 In Full Swing

Greetings dear Blog readers!

How are you all doing?!

Good I hope!

Did you know this will be my FIFTH year of blogging as 'The Girl That Eats All The Chips"???
That's pretty nuts.

I'm mostly just impressed that I'm still doing it after this long.

Usually I get bored of stuff and move on to the next thing, ya know?

So yes. It's pretty much a miracle I'm still here hahaha.


WELCOME TO 2015!!!!! (please pronounce it as: twenty-fifteen. Ain't no one got time for two-thou-sand-and-fif-teen)

It's gonna be a CRACKER OF A YEAR.

I'm just gonna tell you that now.

Many things are happening, namely, I am getting maarrriiieeeeddddd WEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!

I actually never thought I'd get married, so again, this is pretty much a miracle.

Hmm what else, what else.

I've moved into my home for hopefully a few/many years.

I may have mentioned this to you already but I have moved every year since I've lived in Dunedin, I even moved twice in one year once.

I'm REALLY looking forward to not moving for a while.

I don't really know what else to write so I'm going to just chuck a whole bunch of pictures at you.


These are the flowers Lyndon got me for my birthday.
I cried when I got them because I'd always wanted flowers for my birthday and thought I didn't get any, then in the afternoon when I got back to Lyndon's place, he had organised for these flowers to be delivered. <3 <3 <3 Naaaawwww.

Lyndon and I went bowling with our friend Eli and some of his other friends.
Eli figured out how to change people's names so he did this.
It means: Snapping Necks, Cashing Cheques.
Please note that Eli does not know how to spell 'Neck'.

This is the canvas I got Lyndon for Christmas.
It has one of my favourite photos of us on it.
I think the photo is really deep and full of emotion and meaning.
Its also cute.
Thanks Laura Downey!!!

Because Lyndon and I refrain from doing certain things because we are waiting for marriage, we spend a lot of time watching TV shows.
One of our latest and favourites is Parks and Recreation.
We've watched all the way up to the brand new season (7).
We also just recently finished two seasons of Brooklyn Nine-Nine.

Lyndon's sister's cat MacGuyver (don't know how to spell it) went through a phase of visiting us at Lyndon's place almost every night.
I managed to snap this picture of the two of them.
We let him hang out with us for a bit until he was ready to go out adventuring again.
He stopped coming round this year.

I've been gyming it up since the start of December.
I mostly run on the ol' treadmill.
I'm not doing it to fit into my dress, I'm doing it so I feel healthy and so 
I can run off tension.

Cooking in 2015 is a lot different than last year.
Lyndon and I are trying different things and moving out of our culinary comfort-zone.
So far so good!
This is a picture of home-made pizza dough (my family's recipe)

Lyndon's become very tan this summer.
His mother bought him this hat so he wouldn't get sunburnt.
He looks adorable in it. <3

Lyndon bought me a harmonica for my birthday so I try to jam out on it while also on the guitar whenever I can.
I'm only slightly better now than when I first started.

One other thing I wanted to touch on: New Years Resolutions for 2015.

Now, I never make resolutions because I think its kinda silly to only plan on making changes at one time of the year. Why can't you do it anytime you want?

So I obviously didn't make any resolutions, but I am making some now. On the 29th of January, hahaha.

I've decided to try my very best to not get hurt and offended by what people do to me.

Last year was rough, in the way that I was choosing who to invite to my wedding and realising that old friends weren't really friends at all anymore.

It's hard to realise this stuff. It takes some getting used to.

But the part I am learning to understand now is that it's actually fine.

You can survive without having every single person you've ever had a close relationship with in your life.

Last night I was reading my old journal from 2012.


It was hard to read.

I was in such a bad place emotionally, mentally.

I was all over the place.

I had that really screwed up thing with that guy and it was just so so messy.

I met Lyndon that year and we had our first hang out, and I never even mentioned it.

That guy I had the weird thing with is no longer my friend.

I spent so much time venting to the journal about how I couldn't live without him and how I had to somehow let him go etc etc etc.

And I did.

And look! I'm so much better off now!

Sometimes you just have to let things happen.

I wonder... maybe I shouldn't be so candid to this blog, but why not?

For fear of embarrassing people? Or myself?

Life's too short.

I'd rather just be honest.

I've always prized honesty above most other things.

Some of my biggest rows with Lyndon have been over him not being honest with me.

So please, if you feel that you should tell me something ever, just do it.

And I'll do the same.

No point beating around the bush, being straight-up is a lot better in the long run.

I am learning to be a more gracious person, it's going to take some time.
I'm definitely not perfect.

I hope you will continue to read this blog even though it may not be the smartest or funniest thing you will read today.

And if you enjoy it, you should tell me.

Hopefully you will feel a little closer to me by reading it, and that's cool. :)

I'll leave it there for now.

I'll write again in February.

If you haven't done so in awhile, please feel free to check out my wedding blog:

And you can always listen to me sing some of the songs I've written on my Bandcamp page here:

Thanks so much for reading!

Have a fabulous day x