29 April 2015

The Pox Diaries. Episode 1: The Phantom Chicken.

Hello blog readers.

I never thought I would be writing about this, let alone from my childhood home in Kaitaia.

But here I am. Life is a funny thing.

I am covered in red itchy spots and let me tell you, it isn't pleasant.

But before I get ahead of myself, some background info:

Today is Wednesday. Last Friday morning I woke up the early hours feeling noticeably unwell. My whole body was sore, achey muscles and the like. And I had a sore throat.
"Pretty standard" I thought. Must just be a cold.

I had been feeling run down for a few weeks and had asked for less shifts at work.
I figured the sickness I had felt lingering around me had finally decided to pounce.
I slept for most of the weekend and didn't seem to improve at all.

On Sunday, I noticed some red spots on my upper body (maybe four?).


They weren't painful or itchy so I didn't think much of them. Maybe they were a rash from my bra rubbing against my skin? I dunno.

All the while I also had bumps popping up all over my scalp, and THESE were itchy. I figured it was maybe my dandruff playing up.

When I went for a shower that night, I noticed MORE spots. And I counted them while I was in there. 26. I swear a few minutes later when I counted again, 32. WTF?

Lyndon and I decided to go to the Doctor the next day, even though Anzac day was Mondayised and it was going to cost $90. These spots were concerning me.

When I went to the Doctor, she told me she thought I had glandular fever, and the spots on my body (which still weren't itchy) were a staph... staff... staphylococcal infection (WOAH THAT'S HARD TO SPELL).

So I got some antibiotics and went on my way. Soon after this, the spots started getting itchy. I awoke on  Tuesday morning at 6am feeling very unwell and itchy. The bumps on my scalp were unbearable. I was whimpering and crying. Lyndon didn't know how to help.

I told him I couldn't go on like this, I ...

*this is where I went and got Mum to put more calamine cream on my back. Soooo itttcchhhhyyy*

I couldn't go on!!!!

So we decided it might be best for me to go to Kaitaia so my mum and dad could look after me. First flight out of Dunedin was the cheapest, so after I got my blood test, I was out of there.

When I finally saw my dad at his practice, he told me that I didn't have glandular fever.
My tonsils were totally fine. But there was a mass of bumpy sores on the roof of my mouth!

I had chicken pox.

Now. let me just say, I have had chicken pox before.

When I was 11 or 12.

I don't remember it being this horrific.

Thus far, the itchy bumps on my scalp that I couldn't do anything about was enough to send me running to my dad. After that, my body got covered in the spots too. And now they are very very itchy.

I reckon I'm onto Day 6.

According to research, spots are meant to show up between Day 3 and Day 5 and start to crust over between Day 7 and Day 10.

Here is a timeline of my progress:

Friday/Day 1: Wake up feeling ill. Aches and pains all over, beginnings of a sore throat. Sleep most of day. Too tired to do anything.
Saturday/Day 2: Spots on head and in roof of mouth appear. No itch yet. Still very tired but manage to do some things while on painkillers.
Sunday/Day 3: Still very tired. Spots on upper body appear. Spots on head begin itching.
Monday/Day 4: More spots on upper body. Throat really hurting now. Spots on head insanely itchy. One spot on head already crusting over.
Tuesday/Day 5: All spots on body very very itchy. Mouth feels worse than ever. Spots have spread to neck, arms, face, and top of legs, as well as tongue and lips.
Wednesday/Day 6: Slept for 15+ hours. Very tired and grumpy. Spots have starting crusting over in some areas. Spread down further on legs. 

I will keep writing as new fun things arise.

So far the WORST thing about chicken pox is the fact I have them in my mouth.
It makes swallowing anything (even my own saliva) extremely painful.
I miss being able to drink water without wincing with every gulp.

I am glad I'm with my dad, he's given me lots of fun pills and creams to use which is helping.

I have been taking lots of tar baths (tree tar not road tar)
Its meant to stop the itching, and it does a pretty good job, but once you get out it starts getting itchy pretty fast.

Smearing calamine cream all over you is the next best option, it gets on all your clothes and bedding but trust me, you don't care. As long as it takes away the itch.

Please pray for me!

This sickness really isn't fun and I'd like it to be over sooner rather than later :)

Thanks for reading,

From your poxy blogger.

11 April 2015

My Biggest Regret

It's going to be hard to follow the blog post I wrote last month!

Can't believe its had over 1,700 views (that is A LOT FOR ME!)

But I'm not trying to follow it. I'm just writing down how I feel, what I'm thinking, what's going on in my head, just like always.

I realise now that I internally process things on my blog most of the time, which sometimes leads to me writing stuff I probably shouldn't, but its always honest so I guess its not the WORST THING EVER... right?

So I thought I'd talk about my biggest regret.

I have been thinking about this a lot recently, maybe its because I'm married now and I've been thinking about my past decisions now that my actions implicate someone else (my husband).

Maybe I shouldn't write about this, but I'm going to anyway.

I regret what happened in 2012.

It seems like such a long time ago now.

I was in a weird place


To better explain what I mean by the blanket statement "2012", I have talked about this a bit in the past, I got involved with someone that I should have avoided.

And its hard because this person lead me to my eventual husband, and an album full of songs, but I can't help but regret it.

I regret investing so much time and energy into my relationship with him.

Honestly, I'm embarrassed.

Really embarrassed.

I wish I could go back and not spend my entire year pining after this person who was never going to treat me the way I deserved.

It makes me feel sad. And yes, I did write some good songs about it (in my opinion), but I still honestly regret it.

You may think: Come on, Martinette! Regrets are for chumps! Don't regret anything!

But I think sometimes regrets are helpful, they help you grow and change.

They stop you making the same mistakes.

Its hard when this regretful year gave me some of my best creative musical work and also my eventual husband. 

It's like the worst stuff eventually turned into the best stuff.

I also regret not putting enough energy and passion into my music.

When things get hard, and it seems like people aren't interested in what I'm doing, I just stop trying.

I give up.

I start to pity myself.

I'll be honest, my album 'Sweeping Statements' has not been very successful. 

I spent a lot of my own money and time on getting it made but I have not had much feedback since I "released" it in October.

It makes me feel really down on myself.

As my blog post  here: ' http://girlthateatschips.blogspot.co.nz/2014/09/the-end-of-my-music.html ' will attest to. 

Oh Martinette, you're such a dramatic handful.

So yes. I will admit that sometimes I care what people think, and I care that not many people have paid the $15 that I have charged for the album.

I can see on my bandcamp page that the album IS being listened to, but I don't know who by. Or if they like what they are hearing. Or if the fact they can listen for free on bandcamp is the reason they haven't bought it.

I don't NEED people to buy it, but it would be nice.

Just to know that someone cares enough about my music to make the effort to buy it.

I regret not having a release party, or being more proactive in promoting it.

Just know this:

I am REALLY proud of this album.

And when I listen to it, I remember why I fell in love with music.

And why I love writing music.

And why I have stopped writing (because I feel like I have nothing left to say/people don't care what I have to say)

And then I regret what happened in 2012. But I'm also glad it happened.

If that makes any sense AT ALL.

I'm not rambling I swear.

So let me finish with this:

I would really REALLY appreciate it if people would give the album a listen. 

And if they like it, they could tell me.

You don't have to buy it, obviously, but it would mean a lot if you did.

Just so I'd know that you think its worth it.

And if you don't want to buy it on bandcamp, you could just tell me and I'd happily burn a CD for you.

Like an actual physical CD.

I'd write on the front of it with a Sharpie because that's how hipstery cool I am (hahahaha! Not really)

I am really grateful to all the wonderful people who have supported me over the years, both in my musical pursuits and just my life in general.

I know you all care about me, I guess I just need to be reminded that you still care about my music too. 

Thanks for reading.

You can experience the 2012ishness of my album here: https://martinette.bandcamp.com/

"They say an artist is only as good as his last piece. And so get to that masterpiece" - Eric Thomas, Thank God It's Monday.