07 February 2012


Ok so initially my plan was to write a blog entry EVERY SINGLE DAY of my recovery post-Wisdom Teeth Surgery, but after it took me about two hours to write that account of the surgery day, I decided against it.

I'd also just like to apologise if this doesn't make any sense, I have been on drugs a lot and it seems that my punctuation and grammatical skills have suffered a lot, so if you see typos, just attribute them to the fact that I'm still kinda out of it.

It has been exactly a week now since the day I had my teeth savagely ripped out of my mouth.. Hahaha! I'm just kidding, it really wasn't that bad.
I think in my head I thought it was going to be really terrible and traumatic, but I was so pumped full of drugs that it really wasn't too stressful at all.

Anyway so the week that followed was very interesting.
It has been a very LONG week. That's for sure.
I can't believe its only been seven days since the surgery, it feels like much longer.

I kinda pride myself on being totally honest in these blogs of mine, so I'm going to be honest, I have been in pain every day for the last week. Varying degrees, but its pain all the same. Luckily I had a very large supply of painkillers at my disposal, so I made the most of them. I turned into what could be deemed as a constant pill-popper, but I needed to do it! Its not as if I took pills when I didn't need them.

It was like a chronic pain, and when it got too intense I would just take some pills. I was on strong stuff, pills with codeine in them, but the day after my surgery I took some and then threw up so I decided not to take them anymore. It was the first time I had thrown up sober since I was about eight years old so it was upsetting for me... Hahaha that sounds really bad, but if you've read my blog before then you'd know that I have a drinking problem. Throwing up when you're drunk isn't so bad... Anyway, I am going on a tangent now.

My point is: Yes, it has been painful. Yes, the drugs really do help. But the other thing I realised, as I'd lie in my bed after eleven or twelve hours of sleep, is that the pain I was feeling wasn't the worst I'd ever felt. Its going to sound super emo, but this week has honestly not been the worst week of my life as some people told me it would be. And the pain I've been feeling hasn't been as bad as some of the other things I've been through.

I don't even think this experience makes my Top Five "worst weeks ever". So I hope that is comforting to some people. As long as you are subject to feeling alone and depressed like I am, I think you'll get through the Wisdom Teeth surgery + recovery no sweat! (As long as you have enough paracetamol/ibuprofen to last you a week) :-P Hahaha!

The worst thing about all this is that I haven't been able to do the following because it caused me soooo much pain:

  • Talk
  • Smile
  • Laugh
  • Sing
What is my life if I'm not doing one of the above?!?!?!?! For one thing, singing is like my favourite thing to do in the entire world. Secondly, I find almost EVERYTHING funny, so not laughing was something I failed at pretty fast. And every time I laughed, my swollen face would really hurt, and the more I'd laugh the more it'd hurt. I went to church and was filled with the joy of the Lord, needless to say, I was in a lot of pain by the time I got home. Going to church was a mistake, hahahaha. I'm just kidding, I just should have tried not to laugh so much and maybe taken some drugs before I went.

Speaking of LAUGHTER- my friend Floris came to see me the day after the surgery and he brought me some peacock feathers and made a comically large pen out of one of them and we quoted Anchorman and I laughed way too much. I coloured this part so Floris will see it and feel special. Thanks for coming to see me, dude! I appreciated it, though I didn't appreciate you seeing my swollen chipmunk face and making me laugh so much and hence be in a lot of pain. :-P

I couldn't manage to go a whole week without singing, I'd still do it, but I'd just try and be more careful about it. I'd try singing softly.. It kind of worked..
Now that the swelling is completely gone, I can laugh and talk and carry on with only a little pain, THANK GOODNESS!

I spent my days watching One Tree Hill (well I've been watching it all Summer so not much change there.) I have 6 Seasons! I am on the seventh and final disk of the 6th Season today. Its all going to be over. I find it quite sad, but I'm heading back to Dunedin in a week so I guess its good timing. I have also been watching movies, but not nearly as many as you'd expect.

Oh yeah, I almost fainted a couple times during this past week as well, which was pretty hilarious (See, I even find the thought of almost fainting funny!). And I have this hole in the back of my mouth where food gets stuck, its soooooo funny! I clean it out with this syringe and find food, its so disgusting but kind of amusing. I tell my mum what I find, I don't think she appreciates it but its funny so I keep doing it :-D

I've been living off mainly food in liquid form, I try not to eat food that required too much chewing because I don't want anything to get stuck in that hole. But it happens anyway so that's pretty lame. Brushing my teeth is also really hard, and it takes me twice as long! Did I ever mention that pretty early on in my recovery I brushed one of the stitches out of my mouth??! And I was being really gentle as well... Stupid stitches. I got them taken out today so that's good. Now I just have to wait for that annoying food-catching hole to close up.

I am sad that I am leaving Kaitaia in a week. I took the dogs out for a walk today on the farm and it made me feel very melancholic about the whole thing. I'm going to miss my doggies :( Mum seems pretty upset that I'm leaving as well, so that's kinda nice. Its nice to be missed! I think its mainly because I'm the only one who ever helps her with stuff, in the house and on the farm. Ah well, she will manage. It just sucks that by the time I visit Kaitaia again, Sheba won't be around anymore. I think that's the reason I don't want to leave just yet..

BUT ANYWAY! This entry seems like a bunch of rambling. Hopefully it has been helpful to those of you who are going to get your wisdom teeth out one of these days. I think its just the cool thing to do when you're 21. That's what I've heard anyway.

Thanks for reading this! You're a STAR!!!! Have a great day :)

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