01 December 2016
My 100th Blog Post!
Wow. 100.
I never actually thought I'd reach that number of blog posts .
I'm still sick as I write this so forgive me if it sounds a bit jumbled.
The whole thing is funny, I actually started blogging because it's something my little brother had just started doing. He didn't stick with it, but he's the one who gave me the idea.
That's why I chose Blogger, that's the one that he was using.
Crazy, right?!
I've always enjoyed writing .
I've kept diaries and journals ever since I knew that you could do that kind of thing!
For awhile I was writing on my blog and in my journal (different stuff obviously).
Once I started dating Lyndon, the journaling petered out until I wasn't doing it at all anymore.
I didn't find it necessary. I was content, there was no more drama.
I got some positive feedback about my blog posts every now and then so I kept doing it.
It was a good outlet for me and my one friend told me I was a voice for our generation.
I wrote about stuff that most of us would be feeling but would never talk about.
So I kept blogging.
I made an agreement with myself that I would try to blog at least once a month.
It's been six years now since I first day down and decided to call myself "The Girl That Eats All The Chips"
Back then I was that girl. Sadly I'm not anymore.
Being a grown up means only eating as many chips as I feel I can handle.
If I eat them all I can make myself sick, I'm trying not to do that anymore haha.
Binging on chips.
So what does 100 blog posts mean for me?
Not a whole lot.
It's kind of a cool accomplishment.
And it's kinda cool that I've reached this milestone at the end of 2016.
I've got something different planned for 2017 so it's possible I will blog less, unless there is an outcry (but I doubt it)
But until then, I just want to thank all the people who have supported me in my writing over the past six years.
It really does mean a lot.
It's easy to feel like no one cares what you gave to say, so I really appreciate the people who have taken time out of their days to read my words.
It's very cool to know that I am heard.
Sometimes more than others!
The blog post about how I saved myself for marriage is by FAR my most popular post ever (if you haven't read it yet, you can do so here --> http://girlthateatschips.blogspot.co.nz/2015/03/why-i-waited-til-my-wedding-day.html?m=1 )
It has received over 2,000 views (a normal semi-interesting post can get about 600) so that has been astounding.
It's not about the amount of views though, it's just about me saying how I feel about something.
I have received both positive and negative feedback about what I've written over the years , but I've never censored anything.
Nor have I deleted anything that I've said.
It's all there , not watered down or sugar coated.
I think people respect that about my writing. Hopefully I can keep it up, it might not be in blog-form, but I will definitely keep speaking out about things that are important to me.
I still have a lot to say, especially about birthdays and friends and expectations in our lives, but I might discuss this stuff outside of the blog.
Stay tuned!
It's my birthday in a couple days, but this year I'm going to just take it as it comes and leave the discussion for another day.
Thanks again SO MUCH for reading.
Happy December.
01 November 2016
My Husband's Epilepsy: Life On Pause
I have been wanting to write about this since the night Lyndon had his first seizure, which was awhile ago now.
Lately I have been thinking about it a lot more so thought I would finally get the words down.
To begin with, I just want to say that Lyndon and I haven't spoken about his seizures much, I guess because we were just trying to move on with our life.
But I actually want to write about it, so I won't forget, and so I can look back and remember how we got through it.
The epilepsy diagnosis changed our life, kind of for the worse, so this blog may not be the funny/witty writing that you may have come to expect from me.
I'm all about telling it like it is, the whole truth, nothing watered down or sugar-coated.
So this is what it has been like for us.
Lyndon's first seizure was completely out of the blue.
I don't remember the exact date but it was early to mid August 2015.
Lyndon and I were chatting in bed and had just said goodnight and were about to fall asleep.
Lyndon started making these really weird, throaty, gutteral and grunting noises.
I thought he was taking the piss.
I shoved him with my hand and told him to cut it out.
The noises continued.
I soon realised he was not joking around, I switched my bedside lamp on and started screaming, shaking him, trying to get him to snap out of it.
I had no idea what was happening.
I remember the complete terror. Not knowing what was happening and not knowing what to do.
The thought crossed my mind that maybe we was possessed by a demon.
His whole body was shaking and he was coughing up spit. His eyes were staring straight ahead but even though I called his name and begged him to stop, he made no reaction.
I leaped out of bed and went to call my cousin Emil who I knew could talk me through how to exorcise a demon. As I went to call him, another thought crossed my mind. Lyndon could be having a seizure.
I hadn't actually ever witnessed a seizure before so I didn't know if this is what was happening to Lyndon, but I figured that could be a bit more plausible than demon possession.
I called 111 to get an ambulance, the lady on the phone told me to call Lyndon's sister who was pregnant and who I didn't really want to bother at 11pm at night but I decided I'd rather have some support right now. She answered her phone and rushed down to our house with her husband Royce.
By this point, the emergency operator lady had told me that Lyndon had definitely had a seizure and needed to come to the hospital but that the ambulances were really busy and they might not get to us for awhile.
Lyndon's mum showed up at some point too, and we decided we would just take Lyndon to the hospital ourselves.
The seizure only lasted a few minutes and when Lyndon regained consciousness he was very very tired and confused. He couldn't understand why his family was in our bedroom.
I continually told him that he'd had a seizure but he kept forgetting and asking the same questions.
He was very emotional and scared and kept wanting me to hug him.
Seeing Lyndon like that was legitimately the scariest, most terrifying thing I have ever seen in my entire life. I would not wish that on anyone.
Once we got Lyndon to the hospital we had to wait for hours.
Eventually he got some tests and we were able to go home.
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At the hospital for an MRI scan |
Later, he had more tests and it was confirmed that the seizure was completely random and there was no explanation for why it happened.
Lyndon was not allowed to drive for 6 months.
Fastforward to February, 6 months after Lyndon's first random seizure.
By this point, I was still fairly traumatised by the whole ordeal. I had nightmares for the first few months of Lyndon having more seizures, although he never did.
Whenever Lyndon tossed or turned in bed, I would freeze up and be filled with terror, thinking he was having a seizure again.
When Lyndon finally got his drivers licence back, we were both over the moon.
I was so so so so happy.
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On our way to our celebratory dinner for Lyndon getting his licence back |
I don't like driving very much so being forced to be the sole driver in our house was really hard and stressful for me. I always used to make Lyndon drive.
It was a very hard and frustrating time and I was just thrilled to not have to drive all the time anymore.
Then, at the end of February, I got a call from Lyndon's sister while I was at work.
Lyndon had experienced another seizure..
My heart stopped. He had only been driving again for a mere two weeks.
I was completely devastated.
I rushed to the hospital, and once again, Lyndon was very scared and emotional, and wanted lots of hugs.
We stayed at the hospital again for a long time and waited.
Lyndon slept and I read magazines.
More tests, and Lyndon was diagnosed with epilepsy and put on medication.
No driving for one year.
You cannot imagine how uspetting this was for both of us.
It wasn't long after Lyndon's epilepsy diagnosis that he was made redunant from the building company he had been a part of for the last 5 years or so.
I was forced to beg for more shifts at the Cafe to try and cover our living expenses, now that Lyndon was not working.
Lyndon had always made twice as much money as I did, so him losing his job and not being able to drive was a massive blow.
We didn't think he would find another building job easily with his medical condition, not being able to be up high on ladders or scaffolding, or being able to use dangerous power tools.
He also couldn't drive himself to work which was a huge inconvenience for everyone.
I was lucky enought to pick up more shifts at work, but our savings took a dive.
We were no longer able to save any money, instead, the money that I made would be used for bills and living costs.
Lyndon and I were in the process of buying a house, and Lyndon's second seizure meant that we had to pull the plug.
We would not be able to afford the mortgage repayments.
It was really really heartbreaking.
We had always been self-sufficient and independent, now we were not able to buy the house, I wouldn't be able to get a dog, Lyndon had lost his job, I had to work a lot more and be the sole bread-winner even though I was still having health problems.
It was very stressful.
Lyndon eventually got a job working at the wharf, but it was less money and he didn't love it like he loved building.
We are still very grateful for the work, but it's definitely not something he would have chosen if he still had his ability to drive and build safely.
The last eight months have been some of the hardest I've ever faced.
Our life has basically been put on pause.
We have not been able to buy our house, or go overseas like we had planned.
I had been begging for a dog since we got married, but we were not able to get one until we can support it and ourselves.
Lyndon cannot do what he wants to do because he isn't allowed to drive.
He has all these little projects he wants to do but he can't because its too much effort to get someone to drive him.
He has been greatly hindered by his reliance on everyone else.
It has been really hard on him.
We are forever grateful to all the people who have given him rides to places; Stu, Elyse, Royce,Jack, the guys from his life group, his workmates from the wharf, and especially his Mum.
If I couldn't take Lyndon somewhere or I was at work, chances are his Mum would take him,
She has been a massive blessing and we are really really thankful for her.
So now we are just waiting.
Waiting for our lives to begin again.
Waiting for Lyndon to regain his ability to drive, to get another building job, for us to finally buy this house, for us to get a dog.
I hate waiting.
Lyndon and I don't talk about how hard its been. I think its because we're trying to put on a brave face, to get on with our life (or pretend to), to act like everything is okay.
Don't get me wrong, I KNOW that things could be a lot worse.
People have it much worse than we do, I do acknowledge that.
But just because others have it worse, doesn't mean that we don't also struggle with our current situation.
I have been so sick for the last five months, maybe its all the stress from this, maybe its something else.
I know that things will work out eventually, that everything happens for a reason.
I hope one day we can look back and say "Haha, remember that time you were diagnosed with epilepsy and it completely messed up our lives for a year?! That was hilarious"
For now, we will just keep waiting and doing the best we can.
Lyndon will have his licence back soon.
I can count the months on one hand.
Thank you to everyone for their support, and if you've managed to read to this point, good job.
And thank you, as well.
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Lyndon sitting in the back with Ace, since he's not allowed to drive |
If you want to see an example of what it was sort of like watching Lyndon have a seizure, you can watch this clip of Sybil from Downton Abbey having a seizure shortly after she gave birth:
02 October 2016
My Friend Briar
Today is a special day!
It is the birthday of my very special friend.
I just used the word special twice in a very short time frame. But our friendship is special!
In honour of this auspicious occasion, I am going to write a blog dedicated to this special friend if mine.
In case you hadn't already put it together, my friend's name is Briar.

I first met Briar the day I moved into Carrington College, a hall of residence of the University of Otago, in Dunedin.
She was from Taupo. And I still clearly remember her rambling on about how she wanted to get wallpaper that looked like trees and a funky zebra rug.
Those weren't exactly her words but that was the jist of what she was saying!
We became fast friends, she lived only two doors down from me and was also a vegetarian. We were also some of the few people at Carrington who weren't studying Health Science or Law (ironically she started studying law in her second year and is now a lawyer).

I was in the same classes as her boyfriend Jonny, but I was friends with him before they got together and remained his friend independent of them being a couple.
(I would also just like to point out that the Briar and Jonny love story could be a movie and maybe one day I will write it. I have been "shipping" them as a couple since day one.
No joke!)
There's a photo above of me on my graduation day.
I organised it so I would graduate on the same day as Jonny (since we are friends and all) and Briar got me those flowers. I couldn't believe it, I was so blown away and so appreciative that she would make the effort to do that for me. She is honestly so thoughtful and kind.

When she moved to Auckland to pursue a position at an Auckland law firm I was very sad to see her go, and there were definitely some moments where it felt like she didn't have time for me anymore and I never heard from her.
We've mostly worked through these now and write to each other every now and then, enough to keep each other updated. She informs me that my blog is a good way for her to know what I'm getting up to and how I'm doing.
I can see how this would be true, and I really wish every person out there had to keep a blog so I could read it and know what they were up to as well. Haha! (Do you want to start keeping a blog, Briar??!?!)
When I got engaged (or right before) I remember telling Briar that I would like her to be one of my bridesmaids, and she accepted! It was great having her down for the day and she was a big help.
She organised my kitchen tea, which was the best kitchen tea/bridal shower/wedding thing I have ever been to! (Not that I'm biased or anything)
Most of the vocal guests of the night were raving about it and how great it was.
That was all thanks to Briar. She is an amazing organiser! I will always cherish that memory and remember how fun it was. I wish I had more photos from that night but it was such a whirlwind!
Having her at the wedding was very special though, and it was nice to have Jonny there too. He took photos at the reception which was also really cool of him to do! I wish I could have hung out with them more that weekend, but again, whirlwind!!!!!
When I think about my friendship with Briar it brings a smile to my face. She really is a quality person, and I realise that I actually miss her a lot and I don't get to see her that often.
She is very loyal and has stuck by me when a lot of other people haven't. She has supported my music stuff, she has been a listening ear, she has been there when I've needed her.
Even though we don't talk as much as we used to, or catch up once a week like we once did, I know that we are still good friends. I don't think time passing will change that.
There are some friendships out there that are solid enough to last. I think the fact that we went through our University years together and did a lot of growing up into adults together, means that we will hopefully remain friends for many years to come.
As you get older you lose lots of the friendships you once had, its normal and its supposed to happen. But some of them are so special that they are worth hanging onto. I could count the close friendships I still have with people from Carrington on my one hand. Briar would be the first one on that hand (and Jonny would probably be the second, hahaha)
I definitely won't be moving to Auckland anytime soon/ever ;-P But hopefully Briar and I will be able to see each other every so often. I still consider Jonny my friend too so being able to hang out with the both of them is always a treat. Just gotta get Lyndon up in the mix now too!
It's been almost eight years of friendship now.
I met Briar when we were both 18. Today she turns 26.
You're a star, my friend. I hope you know that. Lots of love to you today on the day of your birth!
I hope we can see each other again soon! xx
04 September 2016
"Famous" People I've Met
Greetings blog-readers,
Today I am actually taking time OUT OF MY DAY to write this properly.
Usually I write these blogs with the laptop on my lap, or, God help me, with my phone (to be honest I stopped doing that when my entire blog post was deleted).
Today I am sitting my with my laptop on the dining table.
I feel very professional, so hopefully this blog will be well written!
Let's crack into it!
During my 23 short years on this Earth, I have managed to meet a large number of people.
Only a small handful of these people are who you'd consider to be "famous".
In fact, half of them are only "famous" in New Zealand.
Along with a photo and a link to a website, I may also be able to link you to a video of them, just so you can get an idea of who they are.
I will rank my "famous" persons from their level of famousness, the least famous going first, and the most famous appearing last.
You may be completely unimpressed with this list, and for that, I say "Oh well! I tried"
I never said they were famous-famous, I said they were "famous".
Right, here we go!
7. Julia Wright
Julia was the presenter of Sticky TV back when I watched it (quite awhile ago now).
I didn't actually meet her... She came into the Cafe and bought food from me!!!!!!
Did you know she's married with a baby?!!?!
I saw both her husband and her baby.
Good on her!
This list of people has not started well...
6. Graeme Downes:
The Verlaines History:
The Verlaines Wikipedia:
If you attend Otago University and you've done any sort of music paper, then you've probably met Dr. Graeme Downes.
I'm sure a lot of people reading this know him better than I ever will.
I met him when I was in Second or Third Year at University. I did an English paper called: Music and Poetry.
It was awesome!
Dr. Downes took us through all the music stuff, I didn't know until later that he was the lead singer of the Dunedin band: The Verlaines.
I never talked to him one on one, I said a few words during class, but he didn't know me by name or anything.
After I found out about The Verlaines, I always smiled to myself when I saw him smoking outside the Music department building. I would walk past him often on my way home from class. It was cool knowing I'd sort of met someone famous.
He is sort of famous.
5. Rory McKenna, Brock Ashby:
Moorhouse : Take A Picture (Brock and Rory are the first two you see)
Moorhouse Wikipedia:
I met Rory and Brock two years ago when I volunteered at the Dunedin 'Get Smart' Conference.
At the time I was completing my Honours Year at University but I decided to go all in with volunteering anyway.
I was put in charge of the Volunteers Lounge, so I had to make sure all the Conference volunteers were well looked after and that the Lounge that was especially for them was always well stoked with food and drink.
I was also in charge of getting lunch and dinner brought to the Lounge and serving it up.
Brock and Rory were in the Get Smart worship team (yes they were Christian, unsure if they still are)
I met them and talked to them throughout the time that the conference was on.
They seemed like pretty nice guys, apart from the fact they were a little stuck-up at times.
At one point they walked into the Lounge and me and a bunch of other people were sitting around and singing acapella, just for fun. They seemed to be put off by this.
Who knows why?
I have since seen them on the NZ X Factor and it cracked me up to see how they are now "famous" in New Zealand.
I hope they are still following Jesus!
Rory and I are friends on Facebook.
He probably wouldn't recognize me if I saw him again.
4. Nellie & Elza Jenkins
iD Fashion Insider meets Top Model Twins:
Meeting Nellie and Elza was one of my more random meetings.
Much like Graeme Downes, if you live in Dunedin, (and went to Otago Girls High School like my friend Leesa), you probably know these girls.
I met Nellie and Elza when I was in First Year.
My high school art teacher took me to their house for dinner, as she happens to be their aunt.
Nellie and Elza were making the dinner, and they especially chose falafel wrap things, as I was a vegetarian at this point.
I hung out with them for the night, and was told that they were into modelling and things of that nature.
They are really lovely.
I never saw them after that night, but they appeared on 'New Zealand's Next Top Model' which I thought was really funny!!!
They probably wouldn't recognise me if I ever saw them again.
3. Nathan King
Nathan King : Never Too Late
Nathan King is known in New Zealand, mostly.
He was the lead singer of Zed.
You may have heard such songs as: "Renegade Fighter", "Glorifilia", "Tried So Hard To Find Her" etc. etc.
He ended up going solo.
... Bahaha okay. I didn't actually "meet" him.
He played a set at this Christian performing arts thing I went to when I was at school.
It was great though!
And he talked to some people that were surrounding me afterwards.
I was going to go get his autograph but I chickened out.
What a lame story! Hehehe.
If I went to something like that today I'd definitely go talk to him.
2. Gary Morris
Gary Morris : Wind Beneath My Wings
I met Gary before my brother's wedding, as he is good friend's with my sister-in-law's family.
I didn't know til after the wedding that he's kinda famous.
Like. Actually famous.
He wrote that song "Wind Beneath My Wings"
If you're into your 80's ballads then you should have heard it.
If not, you should check out the link above and give it a listen.
I played my song "California" to Gary and he said it was good and I should keep playing.
He also told me if I was ever in Colorado I could come stay at his house. LOL!
He's a cool guy.
1. David Bain
David Bain walks free after Not Guilty verdict:
David Bain walks free after Not Guilty verdict:
The most controversial person I've met but definitely the best one (people are ALWAYS shocked that I've met him!)
If you don't know who David Bain is, you should follow the link above to his Wikipedia page.
I met him when I was finished with high school and just about to go to University.
David came round to my parents house, he had met and befriended them on a horse trek earlier that year.
When I met him I didn't know who he was or that there was so much controversy surrounding him.
He seemed like a genuinely nice guy, although he did make fun of me for being a vegetarian (but who hasn't?!)
In all seriousness though, I don't think he did it.
Not after meeting him.
I always tell people that.
Before Lyndon and I went out he ATTACKED me (verbally) because he's convinced David is guilty.
But I'm allowed to think he isn't.
It's my opinon.
We may never find out what happened, but I had afternoon tea with the guy, and from that meeting, I think he's an okay guy.
This blog has taken me hours to write.
I hope it's been an interesting read.
Until next time :)
28 August 2016
For Emil On His Birthday
Hello blog,
I have a few things I wanted to write about this month but since it is the birthday of one of my good friends and cousin, I thought I would finally write about him.
He got married back in June, and though I was a bridesmaid, I did not ask to make a speech.
What follows is kind of what I would have said, had I made a speech.
Emil and I haven't always been close, in fact, it wasn't until he moved to Dunedin some six years ago that we actually started spending much time together.
It started out slow, and was brought on mainly by my feeling sorry for him because he didn't have many friends and spent almost all his time in the university computer suite, watching TV shows online.
We started to have lunch together most days, and it got to the point where we were hanging out so often and one of us would go to text the other about having lunch, and a text would come throughfrom that person simply saying: "Lunch?".
I don't know exactly what it was but we just got on well. After knowing each other for most of our lives, we were actually proper friends.
I found Emil easy to talk to and there was never any underlying tension like you can get with other friends. I think that came from also being family.
Emil was, and still is, more like a brother than a cousin. Only I get on better with him than my brothers.
As the years went by, Emil helped me navigate my different relationship dramas. He was the first person to tell me that a guy I liked wasn't up to standard. And to be honest, he was right 100% of the time.
He approved of Lyndon instantly, and hey! Look who I'm married to now?!
Most importantly, after my disastrous not-dating-but-sort-of-dating-but-actually-not relationship with one particular fellow, I asked Emil to refrain from getting a girlfriend until after I had gotten a boyfriend.
I told him that I would not be able to cope with losing my best friend until after I had healed from this previous damaging relationship and found someone else.
I don't know if it was intentional or not but Emil didn't start dating anyone until after Lyndon and I were engaged.
It sounds silly, but it actually meant a lot.
I was in such a fragile state that having Emil there as my friend meant a lot and helped me a lot in getting better.
I will always be grateful to him for that.
At Emil's wedding, a few different girls said speeches, claiming that Emil is their best friend.
With the exception of my cousin, Mariana (Emil's sister), I would just like to point out that you may all think you are best friends with him, but the last six years are proof that Emil and I are more than best friends. We are best friends AND family.
#boom. :-P
So as I draw this speech to a close, I just want to say thank you.
Thanks Emil for being such a good friend to me, for accompanying me at my graduation, for being a listening ear, for taking me to the movies and to Starbucks. For coming to my gigs and joining me for countless lunches. For always making sure I'm okay.
Sometimes we don't tell our friends how great they are, well here I am telling you how great you are (don't get an even bigger head about it, okay?)
We have had a lot of great memories including but not limited to that time we went and saw Taylor Swift live!
The last few Christmases have not been the same without you.
Cheers for everything!
Here's hoping your 27th year is the best one yet!
I should also probably add that I am glad you found Aleisha and I'm sure you two will be very happy together and thanks for having me in your wedding.
It's nice to know that whatever happens, we will always be family.
Over and out.
*drop the mic*
24 July 2016
DISCLAIMER: I have not been hacked.
I, Martinette, wrote this blog in sound mind and for the reason of letting the world in on my private struggle with a certain individual.
I am in the process of trying to forgive her, but it's hard when she won't leave me or my family alone.
I will not be deleting this blog entry, and her attempts of trying to get people to report my blog as being hacked is honestly very sad.
Instead of trying to get my blog taken down, I hope she will focus on getting better. The fact is, no one knows this blog is about her unless she has done stuff to them too.
Her attempts of trying to redeem herself are just making her look more guilty.
I'm not going to name and shame her even though it would be very easy. I'm being the bigger person here.
The blog will stay up.
I hope she can move on and leave my family alone for good.
God bless.
Here is the blog entry:
I, Martinette, wrote this blog in sound mind and for the reason of letting the world in on my private struggle with a certain individual.
I am in the process of trying to forgive her, but it's hard when she won't leave me or my family alone.
I will not be deleting this blog entry, and her attempts of trying to get people to report my blog as being hacked is honestly very sad.
Instead of trying to get my blog taken down, I hope she will focus on getting better. The fact is, no one knows this blog is about her unless she has done stuff to them too.
Her attempts of trying to redeem herself are just making her look more guilty.
I'm not going to name and shame her even though it would be very easy. I'm being the bigger person here.
The blog will stay up.
I hope she can move on and leave my family alone for good.
God bless.
Here is the blog entry:
I wouldn't normally do something like this but I've reached the end of my rope.
For almost the entirety of this year, my family has been harassed by a certain individual.
Some of you may know her.
She met my little brother Philip a few years ago and they began a friendship, mostly online and through text messaging as far as I know.
I make it a point not to stay involved in my little brother's business so I don't know the ins and outs of his friendship with her.
I do know that she was a year 13 when Lyndon was a Year 7. Lyndon and I are both 25, so you can do the math and work out that she is significantly older than my little brother.
I don't know what happened but things turned ugly.
This girl started acting.... let's just say.... off.
She started writing things on her Facebook saying that Philip was being appropriate with under-age girls, dragging his name through the dirt. Saying mean things about him that have no basis.
At this point Philip blocked her on social media and TRIED to cease all contact with her.
But this girl wouldn't give up that easily.
She started sending Philip things in the mail. Weird things. A troll doll and dvd's, really weird stuff.
A condom, random articles, girls underwear.
My mum has informed me that she now signs the names of other friends of Philip.
Philip receives things in the mail from this girl up to three times per week.
My mum has stopped giving this mail to Philip. She opens it herself and disposes of the cruel letters that blame Philip for things he hasn't done, death threats and other things of that nature.
My parents have, as you can imagine, grown very tired of this ordeal.
This girl also calls Philip from different phone numbers, because he blocked her number around the same time he blocked her from social media.
She has created up to six different Facebook profiles and uses them to contact Philip, myself, my sister-in-law, Lyndon, and other members of my family.
The transcript below is a direct copy of a conversation I had with this girl.
I have removed her name, not to protect her, but to protect my own family and my own reputation.
I am not here to condemn her or judge her, I just want her to stop.
This is not a witch hunt.
The past year has been incredibly hard for my whole family.
This girl has inconvenienced all of us, including me.
She comments on my music page, and this very blog, so I know she will read this.
Please stop. I know that you are unwell but that doesn't give you the right to drag my brother's name through the dirt.
You slander him on the internet, write false things about him.
He never did anything to you to deserve this treatment.
Anyone who knows me knows that my relationship with Philip is strained at best, but I still love him and feel that I need to do everything I can to protect him.
This is not right.
Please get help.
I am doing this to bring everything into the light.
Darkness has no power in the light, so I am bringing everything forward.
Philip is the victim here and he needs support.
This girl is essentially ruining his life and I just want it to stop.
Below is the conversation I had with this girl, if you have any advice or if you know the girl I'm talking about and have any information or evidence about her, please contact me.
Please note: Anna Williams is one of her fake Facebook profiles.
Anna Williams
Hi how are you? Im philips new wife your little brother, he married a model in secret what do you think??- Thursday
ThursYou accepted Anna's request.
- Martinette
Hello ******. I knew it was you the minute I read your messages. What are you playing at exactly? Why the fixation on my little brother even though he's ignoring you?
I've talked with *your sister* and if you don't leave Philip alone we will have no choice but to take legal action against you. - Thursday
- Martinette
Can you please leave my brother alone
I have reported you to Facebook for having a fake account
And I am going to do it again. Please get help. You really need it and my entire family is concerned for you. - Martinette
You should be on medication, that is the problem
I've talked to *your sister* about you
We are all worried - Anna Williams
I'm not judging you, dear. But we are going to get the law involved if you continue to harass my family
You sent my father that letter in the mail
You have sent Philip things in the mail - Martinette
You need to stop. Please
Save your money and don't spend it on silly things like this
You could be doing more meaningful things with your time
*Your sister* said she'd try to help you but you're still doing the same things as before
Creating fake Facebook accounts
Telling lies - Today
- Anna Williams
so you have never told a lie?
don't you know that in God eye one lie is the same as 100?
not even to protect somebodys feelings?
eg if you friend looks fat in her jeans you dont tell her you say no you look fine. stop obessessing over your weight
some people are hurtally honest and that hurts peoples feelings
so be kind and say kind things to one another
be kind and have courage #cinderellamovie - Anna Williams
im only allowed to send him letters now its illegal to post anything else and expemsive - Anna Williams
nope its not illegal to send letters in the mail
i told him he has to move out of his house if he wants me to stop sending them
he rang me
we are planning out trip to afraica
to run away together
have a nice life - Martinette
He wouldn't go to Africa with you
Why do you keep telling lies?
He has blocked you from Facebook and doesn't want to talk to you. Why do you lie about this stuff?
Also it isn't HIS house, it belongs to my parents. We are going to have to get the law involved if you don't stop - Today
- Anna Williams
lol haha very funny Martinette
your always joking around and causing shit so why should I believe a word you say?
I know you dated tonnes of guys before you went out with Lydnon you little slut you probably werent even a virgin and you prob lied about that in your blog too - Today
- Martinette
Life is hard when ***** won't leave your little brother alone when he is clearly not interested - Anna Williams
life is hard when the devil wont leave you alone and sends you constant dick picks and masterbating videos - Martinette
Philip has blocked you and hasn't contacted you in a long time
So you can't be talking about him - Anna Williams
already taken my meds
yep i am
do you want to see a picture of his dick that he sent me? - Martinette
No i don't. Please just stop this
He has blocked you
You send him letters
You call him from different phones
Clearly he is not the one harassing you - Martinette
You will not see a cent
Well he's not going to. I'm sorry but that's the truth
You should pursue other interests - Martinette
Well i know that Philip has blocked you so you can't be getting more information from him - 08:27
- 08:27
- 08:28
- 08:29
i'm not going to discuss this with you any further. i've gotten what i wanted so i'm going to go now. Please just consider leaving Philip alone. We are going to have to take legal action against you and i'm going to publish this entire conversation as proof that you are out to get him - 08:29
- 08:30
- 08:30
*Just to clarify:
Philip spent New Years with this girl and she bought herself flowers and a few other things, and also paid for petrol and food for the two of them. The $200 she refers to is the money to cover these costs.
Below is a copy of a letter she sent Philip outlining the things she wants money for.
1. the aftershave wasn't even for Philip
2. the roses she bought for herself
3. the troll doll she bought for herself and then sent to Philip in the mail, the asked for it back, he refused and didn't give her a response.
Below is a message she sent to Lyndon a few weeks ago out of the blue.
Lyndon has never tried to engage in a conversation with her like I have:
Please feel free to share this blog around to anyone you think has been targeted by this girl.
Also, your prayers and support would be much appreciated during this time.
This is the first time I have spoken out about this, even though it's been going on for seven months.
I really hope this girl gets help and gets her life back on track.
Her actions show that she clearly isn't well and deserves our sympathy, it's just hard to feel sorry for her when she is making yours and your family's life incredibly difficult :'(
I will feel better once I know she is getting the help she needs.
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