Today is a special day!
It is the birthday of my very special friend.
I just used the word special twice in a very short time frame. But our friendship is special!
In honour of this auspicious occasion, I am going to write a blog dedicated to this special friend if mine.
In case you hadn't already put it together, my friend's name is Briar.

I first met Briar the day I moved into Carrington College, a hall of residence of the University of Otago, in Dunedin.
She was from Taupo. And I still clearly remember her rambling on about how she wanted to get wallpaper that looked like trees and a funky zebra rug.
Those weren't exactly her words but that was the jist of what she was saying!
We became fast friends, she lived only two doors down from me and was also a vegetarian. We were also some of the few people at Carrington who weren't studying Health Science or Law (ironically she started studying law in her second year and is now a lawyer).

I was in the same classes as her boyfriend Jonny, but I was friends with him before they got together and remained his friend independent of them being a couple.
(I would also just like to point out that the Briar and Jonny love story could be a movie and maybe one day I will write it. I have been "shipping" them as a couple since day one.
No joke!)
There's a photo above of me on my graduation day.
I organised it so I would graduate on the same day as Jonny (since we are friends and all) and Briar got me those flowers. I couldn't believe it, I was so blown away and so appreciative that she would make the effort to do that for me. She is honestly so thoughtful and kind.

When she moved to Auckland to pursue a position at an Auckland law firm I was very sad to see her go, and there were definitely some moments where it felt like she didn't have time for me anymore and I never heard from her.
We've mostly worked through these now and write to each other every now and then, enough to keep each other updated. She informs me that my blog is a good way for her to know what I'm getting up to and how I'm doing.
I can see how this would be true, and I really wish every person out there had to keep a blog so I could read it and know what they were up to as well. Haha! (Do you want to start keeping a blog, Briar??!?!)
When I got engaged (or right before) I remember telling Briar that I would like her to be one of my bridesmaids, and she accepted! It was great having her down for the day and she was a big help.
She organised my kitchen tea, which was the best kitchen tea/bridal shower/wedding thing I have ever been to! (Not that I'm biased or anything)
Most of the vocal guests of the night were raving about it and how great it was.
That was all thanks to Briar. She is an amazing organiser! I will always cherish that memory and remember how fun it was. I wish I had more photos from that night but it was such a whirlwind!
Having her at the wedding was very special though, and it was nice to have Jonny there too. He took photos at the reception which was also really cool of him to do! I wish I could have hung out with them more that weekend, but again, whirlwind!!!!!
When I think about my friendship with Briar it brings a smile to my face. She really is a quality person, and I realise that I actually miss her a lot and I don't get to see her that often.
She is very loyal and has stuck by me when a lot of other people haven't. She has supported my music stuff, she has been a listening ear, she has been there when I've needed her.
Even though we don't talk as much as we used to, or catch up once a week like we once did, I know that we are still good friends. I don't think time passing will change that.
There are some friendships out there that are solid enough to last. I think the fact that we went through our University years together and did a lot of growing up into adults together, means that we will hopefully remain friends for many years to come.
As you get older you lose lots of the friendships you once had, its normal and its supposed to happen. But some of them are so special that they are worth hanging onto. I could count the close friendships I still have with people from Carrington on my one hand. Briar would be the first one on that hand (and Jonny would probably be the second, hahaha)
I definitely won't be moving to Auckland anytime soon/ever ;-P But hopefully Briar and I will be able to see each other every so often. I still consider Jonny my friend too so being able to hang out with the both of them is always a treat. Just gotta get Lyndon up in the mix now too!
It's been almost eight years of friendship now.
I met Briar when we were both 18. Today she turns 26.
You're a star, my friend. I hope you know that. Lots of love to you today on the day of your birth!
I hope we can see each other again soon! xx