My summer is over again for another year.
I feel like I have posted on this blog more this summer than last, but I don't know if I actually have, and let's be honest, I am too lazy to check if that actually is the case. And I'm hoping whoever you are who's reading this isn't so hung up on facts that you're going to go check... Haha nah I'm only kidding you can if you really want to... :-P
So my Summer. Well. It's always interesting/a challenge.
When I first left Dunedin back in November I was SOOOO EXCITED to come home. I'd been having a hard time and I just wanted to get away from everyone and everything and just be by myself. I find that if I don't get alone time things can get very bad very fast. Plus I was missing my dogs a lot and my Dad had been telling me that Sheba wasn't doing well so I was very anxious to get back before anything happened to her.
He didn't suspect a thing!!!!
I told my Mum and my brother that I wanted to surprise my Dad so they didn't say anything.
Then when I walked in the house on the 2nd of November, my Dad had absolutely no idea.
I just walked into the lounge and greeted him with the usual: "Oh herro" that we use whenever he phones me.
It was SO AWESOME! He just stared at me and asked what the heck I was doing there. HAHAHA! Priceless.
Anyway so that was one of my highlights of this Summer. It was also cool to go to my friend Briar's 21st and to catch up with people on my epic journey back down south. I really enjoyed Film Project and hanging out with all the super cool people I met there too. I wasn't 100% thrilled to come back to Kaitaia after Film Project but I have really tried to make the best of it. While most of my days have been long and uneventful and leave me feeling somewhat depressed, there have been others that have been tons of fun and make me realise how blessed I am.
I cannot stress enough how much I have loved spending time with the dogs. They are so amazing and it sucks that I only get a few months with them a year. There have been many intrepid journeys to various parts on the farm, and I wouldn't trade those moments for anything. It has been fun getting to help my Mum out with stuff on the farm as well, talking about trees and plants with her, and just spending time with her in a way that means we don't have to talk a whole lot. When we are out planting trees or cutting down Chinese Privet, we are just focusing on the task at hand. She doesn't try to get any information out of me or interrogate me about boys or anything, she just lets me tell her stuff if I want to. I think that's a good way to be.
My family bonds through watching TV shows and movies so it has been good to watch a couple movies with them. We watched Johnny English 2 the other night, which I had already seen but the moment I saw it I knew that I wanted to watch it with my Dad because I figured he would really enjoy it. And he did! Moments like that are what I want my Summer to be about.
I have had a few... heated discussions with my Dad about things. He is starting to get sick of me now (he actually said that, even though I already knew), so it's good that I am going back to Dunedin. I think in future I should spend less than two months at home, unless I can get out more.
I think the reason my Dad and I blow up at each other is because we are really similar, and I know just what to say to make him even more angry. Poking the bear, perhaps? Hehe... He says he won't miss me but I know he's lying.
My mum says she is going to miss me a lot, but like I've said, its understandable for her to feel that way because I'm the only one who is interested in helping her. I'll miss her too though, she's so funny.
It's kind of weird that my Summer is over now. I didn't do a number of things that I wanted to.
I only wrote four songs, and compared with the quality of the seven I wrote last Summer I think I could have done better, but oh well. It's not like I didn't try!
I also wanted to get some painting done, but I never got around to it.
I painted the deck... But that doesn't count.
I spent most of my time alone. Playing guitar at least two hours a day. But I would like to give a shout-out to all the people who made an effort to make plans and hang out with me: Floris, Joella, Mariana, Lizaan, Emil, James, Chloe and Keron. You guys really made my days so much happier. I'll also give a mention to those who I hung out with in social settings, like Ruth G, Aroha, Jon-Paul, Lara, Roseanne and Jo-Ann. I really appreciate you guys :-)
I feel like this is a farewell speech or something. Hahahaha.
And also, I would also just like to thank the people who kept in contact with me over the course of this Summer. You know who you are. Without you I feel like I really would have drowned in a black pit of despair.. there were a few times where I thought I was going to :-P Am I being over-dramatic? Potentially. BUT MAYBE I'M NOT!
Tomorrow I will be back in Dunedin and starting my fourth and potentially final year of study at University. AAARRRGGGHHHHH!!!! Should be a very fun-filled year.
I am conflicted about leaving though.

As I conclude this very long blog entry, I would also just like to thank you for reading. I don't know why anyone would but I feel very blessed to have people interested in what I have to say. So cheers! I hope I have somehow made it worth your while :)
Until next time, have a good one!
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