Dear Blog (yes I actually am going to start this off like that)
I've been back in Dunedin for a wee while now, four weeks or something. It feels like I've been here for AGES! I think once you get settled, time just flies by really. Ironic I just said that because I am currently listening to a song called Time Flies, but that's really beside the point.
I'm finding it hard to focus my thoughts... I had stuff that I wanted to say...
Ok, let's just start at the beginning.
Honours is hard.
People keep telling me to stop complaining. But I'm not even complaining, most of the time I just like to vent my frustration about how hard I am finding it. Its not as if I am struggling so much that I'd consider dropping out or anything. I can do this. I'm just not used to having to work this hard, but I will FORCE MYSELF TO GET USED TO IT AND EVERYTHING WILL WORK OUT!!!!!
I'm fine. Really. I can be on top of the work I kinda just don't try hard enough. SNAP OUT OF IT!
:-D ... So anyway...
Aside from my insane workload, I am finding living in Mornington to be quite enjoyable. The whole bus fare thing is my only source of slight annoyance, but even that can be overlooked. I joke with my friend JD about how expensive it is to take the bus, but its better than walking up High Street so I'll just pay and continue to complain about it to people :-P
Its really cool to be out of Scarfie-ville. Not only because it means I am way less distracted and can get heaps of work done, but it also means that I have control over when I want to be social and when I want to lock myself away in my room and hermit out. Mornington is quite perfect for that.
Its a really nice place to live and I am very grateful for it. I found it a bit lonely when I first moved up here but now I find that it is like my sanctuary. Its so nice to be out all day hanging out with people and then come back to a nice, warm and quiet house <3
I have like a million people I have to catch up with.
But I'm getting there. I just have to be proactive about getting my work done and meeting up with people when I have time off.
Further more, I have started listening to some awesome music such as: Porcupine Tree, Ellie Goulding, Adele, I'm still listening to Iron and Wine, Paper Kites every now and then, I rediscovered Frou Frou which is FLIPPING COOL!!!!!! Uuuuum what else... I have quite a bit of new music and haven't gotten around to listening to half of it but I'll get there.
Alright and the last thing I just wanted to mention before I wrap this up is:
I have always found this really hilarious, but I only ever heard it referred to as: "The Friend Zone" in meme's. In Gulliver's Travels (2010) Jack Black refers to it as the "Friendship Lagoon" and says: Yeah. Friendship Lagoon. It blows! You’re gonna be like ‘“Oh yeah, it’s cool, man. We’re friends. It’s great. I’m cool with that.” And you won’t be cool with that. And it kills you inside!
Hahaha. Its funny because ITS TRUE! Yay for the Friend Zone!
Urban Dictionary refers to the Friend Zone as: What you attain after you fail to impress a woman you're attracted to. Usually initiated by the woman saying, "You're such a good friend". Usually associated with long days of suffering and watching your love interest hop from one bad relationship to another. Verb tense is "Friend-ed".
I don't know about you, but I have inadvertently friend-zoned people, and in turn I have also been friend-zoned. Yes, girls get friend-zoned too, as you'll see in the hilarious example below.
I think I find the Friend Zone thing so funny because its such a common thing that happens in life but no one ever really talks about it in terms of being "friend-zoned". Well we should start doing it!
Its funny. I mean, at first its not really that funny, but it is after a while!
And wouldn't it be cool to be able to joke about it with the people you have friend-zoned and who have friend-zoned you????

Oh, and p.s- I am going to Auckland this weekend to see Taylor Swift in concert! YAY EXCITING! And no joke, when I get back I'm seriously going to lay off the Taylor Swift music. The songs I write sound too much like her and I want my music to go in a new direction. Here's hoping it works!!!
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