09 October 2011

Third Year Is Almost Over

I haven't written a blog entry since July, but technically it was before that because in July I just put my short story up. Man, it's been a crazy few months.

I know people always say that, "Oh my life is so crazy!!!!" But it really was, and a lot of it I can't write about because I don't wanna dwell on the past and bring it all up again and bla bla bla.
But to be fair, weird stuff always happens in my life, and I wouldn't have it any other way because at least it keeps things interesting.
And its potentially song writing inspiration.

Speaking of which, I haven't written a song since I left Kaitaia, it's flippin hard!!!!! Sure there is a lot of stuff I could write about but it just seems like such a massive task. I only know so many chord progressions, I should just shift the capo around a bit more on my guitar, no-one would know the difference...
I'm hoping to get back into songwriting when I go back up North, its easier up there. No distractions.

I'm feeling particularly nostalgic this morning, we had the Mothras last night, it didn't live up to what I thought it would be (in comparison with last year). Some of our team weren't able to make it, and it just wasn't as exciting as it was last year. But it was still pretty fun, it sucks when things aren't as good as you remember them though.

I feel like my time in Dunedin is coming to an end, but I still have another year next year doing Honours. It's gonna be an interesting year, it'll be a lesson in actually doing my readings and making an effort to get stuff done early. Assignments this semester have been less horrific than in the last one, it may be because I only have three papers or because I am trusting in the Lord to get me through it more easily. The last one is probably it. Its so easily to get overwhelmed by all the work but you just have to get it done. No point giving up, that's what I've found is important to remember.
Not doing any English papers has also helped this semester, I really love English but it required a lot of work.
I will probably stay a semester after next year and finish my English degree, if I don't then all my English work counts for nothing because you can't have a Minor with an Honours degree.

I don't like the fact I'm on the other end of my University life, it's actually going to be winding up one of these days, then its on to the next thing.

I don't like it when stuff changes. After highschool I felt like I had an emotional breakdown, I must have been sitting at home and playing World of Warcraft a lot because that's all I could talk about when I got to Uni.
Oh dear.
I seriously can't remember what I did the summer before my first year of University back in 2008/09, but it wasn't anything productive because I do remember feeling lost and not knowing what was going to happen. I feel like that's how its going to be when I finally finish Uni and move on to other things.

I won't stay in Dunedin I don't think.

But hey, one good thing that did come out of Mothras is the fact that a script I wrote for one of the V20 Conference videos got BEST SCRIPT!
I'm stoked about that because I think I would really like to get into script writing, its kind of the perfect balance of Film and English, both of which I am studying here at Uni. Maybe its too perfect...
Nah but I really love writing, as this blog would suggest.
But maybe I don't love it enough seeing as I haven't written in over three months...

Haha.. my bad..

I think I have compensated though, this blog is massive. And full of rambling and hopefully some profoundness but I can't really count on that.

Not sure if anyone will read this but me, but if someone else happens to, THANKS! Hope you've gotten something out of it, even if its just knowing a bit more of what I am currently thinking.

I'll write again in three months, hahaha.
Ciao :-)