11 December 2012

Well I Guess This Is Growing Up

My first blog entry as a 22 year old!
To be honest, I don't really feel THAT different, but being 22 still takes some getting used to. Its such a random number. 22. I guess a part of me feels like life stops at 21.

I'm writing this at Uni, which is pretty weird. I feel exposed down here in the computer suite!!! Anybody can see that I am blogging. How lame am I? Hahaha.. Blogs are funny.. anyway I'm going off on a tangent..

So in case you didn't hear already, I found out yesterday that I will no longer be studying at the University of Otago. My plan, up until yesterday, was to finish my English Degree. I was in no way ready to stop being a student just yet. I was going to take another semester to polish off a few more papers and then BOOM! Double major.

But no.

As fate would have it, I was rudely awoken to the reality that I would need 10 more papers to complete my English Degree. 10. Not the 4 or 5 I had initially thought.
That was going to take more than a semester.

So I considered my options.
I could put myself through a hellish year of doing 10 English papers (I flippin' hate English with all my being, and doing the 6 English papers in the first 3 years at Uni felt like torture) OR I could do a Masters Degree in Film Studies OR I could hang up my book bag and Uni ID Card and start living my life in the real world.
I talked to my Dad about it, and we decided that the 3rd option was the best.

I told him I was confused about my future, to which he responded that he was quite sure I have been confused ever since I left high school and told him I was going to study Film and Media Studies.
I guess that may be true...
But I don't regret what I studied!!!!!!

I have loved studying film, and I know one day I will be able to use MOST of what I learned, if not as a film critic then at least as someone who works in the film industry.

I have loved my time as a student, and I'm going to miss it immensely.
I can't even imagine my life after University.
Four years.
I would like to stay longer but its mostly because I am terrified of change and I am reasonably good at being a student. I've always enjoyed attending lectures, and I even like writing essays. As weird as that is.
I like writing, if you haven't gathered that already... (you're actually reading my blog right now).

So, what's next for me?

That is a question I don't exactly know the answer to.
I am staying in Dunedin. That's one thing I know. And I hope to get a good job somewhere, if not working in film/media stuff than at least something that will help me save up some money.
The world is my oyster, as people say. I will probably need to leave Dunedin next year, but I'll worry about that later.

For now, Dunedin is my home. And I'm not leaving just yet.
Church is pumping, I have some awesome friends, and until I feel God calling me to depart this fair city, I will be sticking around..

Being a grown-up is scary. My future is unknown, but at least I know that if worst comes to worst, I'll always be able to call Dunedin my home. I LOVE YOU, DUNEDIN!

With that, I leave you. Many thanks for reading my introspective ramblings. You are truly awesome.

Here is a picture of me back when I was 18. Twas such a simpler time back then. x