01 May 2015

The Pox Diaries. Episode 2: Attack of the Itch.

This is my second chicken related blog entry.

I didn't write yesterday as I really wasn't doing well.

My razor blade throat was at an all-time high (low?)

It was really really sore.

My whole mouth hurt and the pain from every swallow wore me down pretty fast.

Also, just to get overly graphic, my mouth was producing this white filmy stuff (it wasn't saliva, but a lot like it) and I kept choking on it.

Spent the whole day trying to spit it out.

Super disgusting.

I haven't stepped foot outside the house yet, but I surprisingly don't have any cabin-fever symptoms like I'd normally get if I was cooped up inside for four days.

I could have made a chicken pun just then (COOPED up).


So I slept most of yesterday, had two tar baths, one around 3ish and another right before bed.

They really help.

Went to bed at 10pm which is the latest I've stayed up for awhile.

Been going to bed around 7.30pm most nights.

It seems normal now.

I am feeling like I need to take a nap after I write this.

The pox blisters are starting to crust over which is a great sign.

Also my throat is less razory.

I managed to eat a sandwich today!!!!!

I'm so excited to be able to eat normal food.

I've been living off yoghurt and soups.

They are obviously great but not for every meal.

I'll be booking my flights back to Dunedin tonight I think.

I'm still itchy but nowhere near as bad as I was.

Thank you so much for your on-going support and prayers.

I feel the worst of this illness is behind me now :-)