04 September 2016

"Famous" People I've Met

Greetings blog-readers,

Today I am actually taking time OUT OF MY DAY to write this properly.

Usually I write these blogs with the laptop on my lap, or, God help me, with my phone (to be honest I stopped doing that when my entire blog post was deleted).

Today I am sitting my with my laptop on the dining table.

I feel very professional, so hopefully this blog will be well written!

Let's crack into it!

During my 23 short years on this Earth, I have managed to meet a large number of people.
Only a small handful of these people are who you'd consider to be "famous".

In fact, half of them are only "famous" in New Zealand.

Along with a photo and a link to a website, I may also be able to link you to a video of them, just so you can get an idea of who they are.

I will rank my "famous" persons from their level of famousness, the least famous going first, and the most famous appearing last.

You may be completely unimpressed with this list, and for that, I say "Oh well! I tried"

I never said they were famous-famous, I said they were "famous".

Right, here we go!

7. Julia Wright

Julia was the presenter of Sticky TV back when I watched it (quite awhile ago now).
I didn't actually meet her... She came into the Cafe and bought food from me!!!!!!

Did you know she's married with a baby?!!?!
I saw both her husband and her baby.

Good on her!

This list of people has not started well...

6. Graeme Downes:

The Verlaines History:

The Verlaines Wikipedia:

If you attend Otago University and you've done any sort of music paper, then you've probably met Dr. Graeme Downes.
I'm sure a lot of people reading this know him better than I ever will.

I met him when I was in Second or Third Year at University. I did an English paper called: Music and Poetry.
It was awesome!
Dr. Downes took us through all the music stuff, I didn't know until later that he was the lead singer of the Dunedin band: The Verlaines.

I never talked to him one on one, I said a few words during class, but he didn't know me by name or anything.

After I found out about The Verlaines, I always smiled to myself when I saw him smoking outside the Music department building. I would walk past him often on my way home from class. It was cool knowing I'd sort of met someone famous.
He is sort of famous.

5. Rory McKenna, Brock Ashby:

Moorhouse : Take A Picture (Brock and Rory are the first two you see)

Moorhouse Wikipedia:

I met Rory and Brock two years ago when I volunteered at the Dunedin 'Get Smart' Conference.
At the time I was completing my Honours Year at University but I decided to go all in with volunteering anyway.
I was put in charge of the Volunteers Lounge, so I had to make sure all the Conference volunteers were well looked after and that the Lounge that was especially for them was always well stoked with food and drink.
I was also in charge of getting lunch and dinner brought to the Lounge and serving it up.

Brock and Rory were in the Get Smart worship team (yes they were Christian, unsure if they still are)
I met them and talked to them throughout the time that the conference was on.
They seemed like pretty nice guys, apart from the fact they were a little stuck-up at times.

At one point they walked into the Lounge and me and a bunch of other people were sitting around and singing acapella, just for fun. They seemed to be put off by this.
Who knows why?

I have since seen them on the NZ X Factor and it cracked me up to see how they are now "famous" in New Zealand.
I hope they are still following Jesus!

Rory and I are friends on Facebook.

He probably wouldn't recognize me if I saw him again.

4. Nellie & Elza Jenkins

iD Fashion Insider meets Top Model Twins: 

Meeting Nellie and Elza was one of my more random meetings.
Much like Graeme Downes, if you live in Dunedin, (and went to Otago Girls High School like my friend Leesa), you probably know these girls.

I met Nellie and Elza when I was in First Year.
My high school art teacher took me to their house for dinner, as she happens to be their aunt.
Nellie and Elza were making the dinner, and they especially chose falafel wrap things, as I was a vegetarian at this point.

I hung out with them for the night, and was told that they were into modelling and things of that nature.
They are really lovely.

I never saw them after that night, but they appeared on 'New Zealand's Next Top Model' which I thought was really funny!!!

They probably wouldn't recognise me if I ever saw them again.

3. Nathan King

Nathan King : Never Too Late


Nathan King is known in New Zealand, mostly.
He was the lead singer of Zed.
You may have heard such songs as: "Renegade Fighter", "Glorifilia", "Tried So Hard To Find Her" etc. etc.
He ended up going solo.

... Bahaha okay. I didn't actually "meet" him.
He played a set at this Christian performing arts thing I went to when I was at school.

It was great though!
And he talked to some people that were surrounding me afterwards.
I was going to go get his autograph but I chickened out.

What a lame story! Hehehe.
If I went to something like that today I'd definitely go talk to him.

2. Gary Morris

Gary Morris : Wind Beneath My Wings


I met Gary before my brother's wedding, as he is good friend's with my sister-in-law's family.
I didn't know til after the wedding that he's kinda famous.
Like. Actually famous.

He wrote that song "Wind Beneath My Wings"
If you're into your 80's ballads then you should have heard it.
If not, you should check out the link above and give it a listen.

I played my song "California" to Gary and he said it was good and I should keep playing.
He also told me if I was ever in Colorado I could come stay at his house. LOL!

He's a cool guy.

1. David Bain

David Bain walks free after Not Guilty verdict:


The most controversial person I've met but definitely the best one (people are ALWAYS shocked that I've met him!)
If you don't know who David Bain is, you should follow the link above to his Wikipedia page.

I met him when I was finished with high school and just about to go to University.
David came round to my parents house, he had met and befriended them on a horse trek earlier that year.

When I met him I didn't know who he was or that there was so much controversy surrounding him.

He seemed like a genuinely nice guy, although he did make fun of me for being a vegetarian (but who hasn't?!)

In all seriousness though, I don't think he did it.

Not after meeting him.

I always tell people that.

Before Lyndon and I went out he ATTACKED me (verbally) because he's convinced David is guilty.

But I'm allowed to think he isn't.
It's my opinon.

We may never find out what happened, but I had afternoon tea with the guy, and from that meeting, I think he's an okay guy.

This blog has taken me hours to write.

I hope it's been an interesting read.

Until next time :)