01 December 2016

My 100th Blog Post!

Wow.  100.

I never actually thought I'd reach that number of blog posts .

I'm still sick as I write this so forgive me if it sounds a bit jumbled.

The whole thing is funny, I actually started blogging because it's something my little brother had just started doing.  He didn't stick with it, but he's the one who gave me the idea.
That's why I chose Blogger, that's the one that he was using.

Crazy,  right?!

I've always enjoyed writing .
I've kept diaries and journals ever since I knew that you could do that kind of thing!

For awhile I was writing on my blog and in my journal (different stuff obviously).

Once I started dating Lyndon,  the journaling petered out until I wasn't doing it at all anymore.
I didn't find it necessary.  I was content, there was no more drama.

I got some positive feedback about my blog posts every now and then so I kept doing it.

It was a good outlet for me and my one friend told me I was a voice for our generation.
I wrote about stuff that most of us would be feeling but would never talk about.

So I kept blogging.
I made an agreement with myself that I would try to blog at least once a month.

It's been six years now since I first day down and decided to call myself "The Girl That Eats All The Chips"

Back then I was that girl. Sadly I'm not anymore.
Being a grown up means only eating as many chips as I feel I can handle.
If I eat them all I can make myself sick, I'm trying not to do that anymore haha.
Binging on chips.

So what does 100 blog posts mean for me?

Not a whole lot.
It's kind of a cool accomplishment.
And it's kinda cool that I've reached this milestone at the end of 2016.

I've got something different planned for 2017 so it's possible I will blog less, unless there is an outcry (but I doubt it)

But until then, I just want to thank all the people who have supported me in my writing over the past six years.
It really does mean a lot.

It's easy to feel like no one cares what you gave to say, so I really appreciate the people who have taken time out of their days to read my words.

It's very cool to know that I am heard.
Sometimes more than others!

The blog post about how I saved myself for marriage is by FAR my most popular post ever (if you haven't read it yet,  you can do so here --> http://girlthateatschips.blogspot.co.nz/2015/03/why-i-waited-til-my-wedding-day.html?m=1 )
It has received over 2,000 views (a normal semi-interesting post can get about 600) so that has been astounding.

It's not about the amount of views though, it's just about me saying how I feel about something.

I have received both positive and negative feedback about what I've written over the years , but I've never censored anything.

Nor have I deleted anything that I've said.

It's all there , not watered down or sugar coated.

I think people respect that about my writing. Hopefully I can keep it up, it might not be in blog-form, but I will definitely keep speaking out about things that are important to me.

I still have a lot to say, especially about birthdays and friends and expectations in our lives, but I might discuss this stuff outside of the blog.

Stay tuned!

It's my birthday in a couple days,  but this year I'm going to just take it as it comes and leave the discussion for another day.

Thanks again SO MUCH for reading.

Happy December.