30 June 2015

Post-Chicken Pox: Recovery.

This is my first time blogging on mine and Lyndon's new laptop.

Our old one (which was my University one) was six years old and had finally given up.

Typing on this one is quite different and is going to take some getting used to.

I won't say much here,

Only that I've been back in Dunedin for almost two months now and it is really nice to be back.

I did really miss it.

Mostly I missed Lyndon, obviously.

I have gotten some flack from people, telling me I shouldn't have left and gone back to my parents house, that Lyndon should have taken care of me.

I don't agree though.

I honestly think if I had stayed in Dunedin, I could have gotten very very, life-threateningly sick.

It is hard because I still feel sickly a lot of the time, I got a blood test which showed I'm severely iron deficient. I have been taking a supplement for this but haven't noticed much change yet.

I'm still covered in chicken pox scars.

A week after I returned to Dunedin, I was struck down with a cold which had me out of action for another week.

I think I'm finally okay again now though.

I don't think my friends realised how serious my chicken pox were. I actually thought I was going to die.

I hope I never get that sick again, it was really really difficult, and makes me realise how bad some people have it.

Please Lord, don't let me get chicken pox for a third time!!!!!

There are still a heap of people I still want to catch up with since returning, and I'm slowly trying to organise this.

I think I am on the road to being fully recovered.

Thank you so much to all the people who prayed for me.

If you ever want advice on dealing with chicken pox, I'm your girl!


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